Vendor Content Security Registry
The MPAA and its Members have created an online Vendor Content Security Registry (Registry) in order to create efficiencies in the supply chain by:
- Standardizing the content security questionnaire into one form that replaces the questionnaires presently used by individual MPAA Members and other participating entities;
- Providing facilities a tool to self-report their content security practices in a repository – indicating their alignment to the MPAA Content Security Best Practices; and
- Facilitating the independent review and comparison of facilities’ security controls and remediation efforts by pooling of self-reported information to the Registry, which can, in turn, feed relevant information into vendor and/or compliance databases maintained by individual MPAA Members and other participant entities.
Facilities that currently handle or will handle content on behalf of MPAA Members are candidates to participate in the Registry (such as visual effects houses, replication plants or post-production centers). Generally, facilities should be operational and not in pre-production or planning because the questionnaire is designed to validate controls in place.
If you would like to apply to have your facility included in the Registry, please review and submit the following application form and associated agreement:
Download Registry Application Form
Download Registry Agreement